You Are God’s Battle Axe

Did you know that you are a weapon in God’s hands? He has chosen you to be a battle axe, to conquer the enemy and advance His kingdom on earth.

So don’t be afraid to stand up and fight for whats right. You may face opposition and resistance, but know that God is on your side. He has equipped you with all you need to succeed.

Remember, you are not fighting alone. The Holy Spirit is within you, giving you wisdom, strength, and power. So sharpen your sword, put on your armor, and march forward as God’s mighty warrior.

When God makes spiritual investments in you through discipleship of his word and through spiritual impactations, he is sharpening you as a tool in his kingdom. Just as he used the mighty men we have read about, he also wants to use you in this time and age.

The question is: will you make yourself available?


Beloved, when we face trials and challenges in life, let us consider Jesus. He is the author and perfecter of our faith, and He knows what we’re going through….
Youth-On-The-Move (YOTM) Ministry is a worldwide platform that aims to spread the gospel of Christ Jesus to young adults and youth….
There is a common misconception among some people that children are too young to understand the things of God….

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November's Offers

The Believer’s Evolution Bundle


Understanding the Holy Spirit


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