September 2020

Manifestations and Demonstrations of the Power of the Holy Spirit

Do you ever feel like the Holy Spirit only uses pastors, preachers, and religious leaders in miraculous ways? If so, read on, because this new discovery will change your life! The Holy Spirit is available to anyone who believes in Jesus Christ and is born again. You can demonstrate the power of the Holy Spirit whether you are a doctor, a teacher, a stay-at-home parent, a student, or an engineer.

According to Luke 4:38, the Lord’s Spirit is upon us to preach the gospel to the poor, heal the brokenhearted, set free the captives, and restore sight to the blind. The Holy Spirit anointed Jesus, and he went about doing good and healing.

According to Acts 1:8, when we receive the Holy Spirit, we will be given the power to be witnesses for Christ. This means that we can demonstrate the Holy Spirit’s power in our daily lives. We can, like Jesus, pray for the sick, raise the dead, and even cast out demons. Yes, you read that correctly! These are not simply superhuman abilities; they are manifestations and demonstrations of the Holy Spirit at work in us.

You don’t have to wait for a church event or a special occasion to demonstrate the Holy Spirit’s power. You can do it right in your own schools, offices, buses, and markets. All that is required is a willing heart and the ability to believe.

Oh Hallelujah! I want you to step out today and make a commitment to walk in the power of the holy spirit, because this is one of the ways to win over your friends, neighbors, or family members who are yet to believe in the saving power or existence of Jesus Christ.

Step out in faith, and let the Holy Spirit work wonders through you! We can’t wait to hear your mind-blowing testimonies.



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November's Offers

The Believer’s Evolution Bundle


Understanding the Holy Spirit


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