Brethren, consider this a charge. You have prayed and you have believed, and now it’s time to seize your destiny by faith. Don’t just sit back and wait for things to happen. Take action and make it happen. God has promised you a bright future, full of abundance and success.
Deuteronomy 2:3 tells us that we have been going round this mountain for too long. It’s time to move on and take hold of the promises that God has for us. 1 Peter 5:10 assures us that after we have suffered for a while, God will establish, strengthen, and settle us. Don’t be afraid to step out in faith and take the next big step in life.
Psalms 92:10,14 is a beautiful reminder that, as believers, we will continue to bring forth fruit even in our old age. We will be fat and flourishing in all areas of our lives. Zechariah 4:7 reminds us that even the greatest of mountains can be flattened out by the grace and power of God. Isaiah 55:12 paints a beautiful picture of us going out with joy, being led forth with peace, and watching as mountains and hills break forth in song.
So, dear saints, go forward and seize destiny. Call that business partner, apply for that job, make inquiries for that new house. God has promised that all these things belong to you. Your faith, coupled with your actions, will bring about the change you desire, and your destiny will be bright and full of success. Let’s make May 2022 a season to go forward and seize destiny!