March 2020

Great Turn-Around for Fruitfulness

March is a month of great fruitfulness and turnaround. It is time to believe in God’s promises, even if they appear impossible. God’s Word promises us that there will be victory on the other side of the battle.

We have had lots of testimonies in NOM from brethren sharing God’s faithfulness in their lives, from miracle babies to new jobs to healings and breakthroughs.

God’s promises are true, and He will bring them to fruition in our lives. This truth is reflected in the story of Isaac in Genesis 26. The Philistines had been opposing Isaac and had filled his wells with dirt, leaving him without water. Rather than fighting back, Isaac dug new wells until he found water. He named the first well Esek, which means “controversy,” because the Gerar herdsmen fought him over it. Isaac, however, did not give up and dug a second well, which he named Sitnah, which means “enmity,” because of the strife it caused. Finally, he dug a third well, naming it Rehoboth, which means “wide open spaces,” because it was large enough to house them and their livestock.

Isaiah 54 and Galatians 4 exhort us to rejoice in the midst of barrenness and to believe that our fruitfulness is not dependent on our circumstances. We serve a God who specializes in making things happen for us when it seems impossible. This will be your testimony this March. As you believe God in that difficult circumstance, he will cause everything barren in your life to begin to bear fruit.


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November's Offers

The Believer’s Evolution Bundle


Understanding the Holy Spirit


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