July 2021

God’s Covenant Blessings of Fruitfulness, Abundance, Divine Wisdom, and Wholeness

God’s covenant with His people is an amazing gift that proves His unwavering faithfulness. The covenant is a sacred agreement between God and His people, that is established on the foundations of love, trust, and obedience. The covenant is a promise from God that declares He will never forsake us, and will always provide for our needs.

In the Bible, we see many examples of God’s covenant with His people, from the time of Abraham to the end of the New Testament. The covenants established with the men of God in the Bible were prophesied, and they all came to pass. This proves that God cannot fail. He’s the same God today and still keeps His covenant, fulfilling His promises to His people.

As we go through the different stages of life, we can be sure that God will bless us with fruitfulness, plenty, divine wisdom, and wholeness through his promises. We are reminded in Genesis 12:2–3 that God promised to make Abraham a great nation and bless him, and that he would be a blessing to others.

Similarly, in I Kings 18:41–45, we see Elijah, one of the prophets of God, prophesying that there would be an abundance of rain, and indeed there was. It was a testament to the power of God’s covenant to fulfill His promises.

In Isaiah 11:1-2, we read about the prophecy of the coming Messiah, who will bring salvation to the world. This is a reminder of God’s covenant of salvation, which is made available to us through faith. We also see in III John 1:2 John’s prayer for his readers to prosper in all things and be in good health, just as their souls prosper.

As we reflect on these verses, we can be confident that God’s covenant promises still hold true today. We can claim these blessings in our lives and trust in the faithfulness of God to provide for us. Let us always rejoice in the goodness of God’s covenant and give Him thanks for His unwavering love and promises.



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November's Offers

The Believer’s Evolution Bundle


Understanding the Holy Spirit


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