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Foundational believer’s course manual

Bishop Nkiru ‘Nikky’ Ogamba is dedicated to the spiritual growth of believers and has developed the foundational believers course handbook to assist new believers in laying the proper foundation with both the right doctrine and spiritual truths. The scripture explains in the book of Peter that as newborn babes (new believers) should desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby. If you are a new believer with a burning passion to grow and understand your new found faith, let Dr. Nikky by the help of the holyspirit walk you through it. An intensive and devoted study with the handbook will provide you with a greater grasp of your faith as well as a firm basis for your spiritual development.
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Praesent gravida efficitur erat laoreet cursus. Nulla at eleifend augue, ultricies sodales ligula. Maecenas sagittis sem vulputate erat luctus sollicitudin. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Nulla a pulvinar dui. Donec aliquet, enim vehicula tempus tincidunt, quam massa tempus nulla, ac interdum urna metus ac ligula. Nunc ultrices, arcu sit amet scelerisque sodales, nunc nisi feugiat eros, vitae sodales lorem eros suscipit metus.