March 2021

Possess the Prophetic Blessings of God By Faith

This month, it’s important to remember that God’s prophetic words might not come true if we don’t have faith in them. Many of the promises in the Bible are actually prophetic ordinances. His words are spirit and life, as the Bible says in John 6:63.

In Genesis 13:14–18, the story of Abram is a potent reminder that we serve a God who is willing and able to meet all of our needs. But we must have faith in God, just like Abram did, even when our path isn’t clear.

In 1 Timothy 4:12–16, God tells us to show others how to live and not waste the gifts he has given us. When we try to get things done in this world, it can be easy to forget why we are here. Because of this, it is very important to stay firm in reading, exhortation, and doctrine.

We are told to give these things our full attention so that everyone can see how far we’ve come. We must pay attention to ourselves and the doctrine and stay true to them. This will make sure that our salvation and the salvation of those around us are secure.

This season, let’s have faith like Abram and get the good things God has in store for us. Let’s try to be good examples for the people around us and use the gifts God has given us to honor Him. And let’s keep growing in our faith and our understanding of God’s word so we can save ourselves and the people we meet. May this time be one of growth, blessings, and getting to know our Heavenly Father better.


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November's Offers

The Believer’s Evolution Bundle


Understanding the Holy Spirit


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