October 2020

The Supernatural Harvest

You know how exciting it is to teach about breakthroughs and God’s blessings. But, as you’ll discover, winning souls is important to God, and it is also one of the commandments he gave to the church. In fact, one of the signs that you love God is your passion for soul-winning and your joy in sharing your faith. According to Matthew 9:37-38, the harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few, because few Christians are involved in soul winning.

As Christians, we are called to be harvesters of the supernatural kind. A harvest is a time of abundance and plenty in the natural world, just as it is in the spiritual realm. In John 4, Jesus instructs His disciples to look at the fields and see that the harvest has already begun. In other words, there are people out there who are eager to hear the message of salvation, and it is our responsibility to go out and deliver it to them.

However, we must make an effort. Jesus emphasizes that the laborers are few, and we must pray for God to send more workers into the harvest. We must be willing to be those workers, putting in the time and effort to bring others to Christ. And, just like in nature, the harvesting process begins with seed time.

Imagine the smile on God’s face when you share the gospel with your friends and family. In this month of September, make God proud by fulfilling the great commission.


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November's Offers

The Believer’s Evolution Bundle


Understanding the Holy Spirit


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