May 2020

Sudden Breakthroughs of God’s Best Is Now

Each of us has encountered situations where we felt as though we were circling around while attempting to move forward. Like Isaac, the enemy may come and obstruct our efforts while we are digging wells or looking for water, leaving us discouraged and hopeless.

But the God we serve is the one who controls the times and the seasons. He is aware of the ideal moments for breakthroughs in our lives. Genesis 26’s account of Isaac teaches us that while we may occasionally face difficulties, if we persevere and dig deeper, God will make room for us and bring about fruitfulness in our lives.

Acts 16 demonstrates that unexpected breakthroughs can occur at any time. Despite the fact that they were imprisoned, Paul and Silas chose to pray and sing hymns to God. God reacted by sending an earthquake, which opened the prison doors and freed everyone. This shows us that in our darkest moments, we can choose to trust and praise God, for He never fails to come through for us.

The story of David in I Chronicles 14 is another story that demonstrates to us that seeking God’s guidance and listening to His voice will lead us to victory. When David asked God for guidance, the Lord told him to go up against the Philistines, promising to deliver them into his hands. And as David obeyed, God broke through his resistance.

No matter what we are facing, we can have faith that God will bring sudden breakthroughs of His best into our lives. Let us trust in His timing, seek His guidance, and praise Him in all circumstances, knowing that He is never too early or too late. As the psalmist wrote in Psalm 27:14, “Wait on the Lord; be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart; wait, I say, on the Lord!”


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November's Offers

The Believer’s Evolution Bundle


Understanding the Holy Spirit


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